
Monetising the Pinpoll Platform

Our customers usually deal with the following questions shortly before signing the contract with us: "What is the ROI of Pinpoll?" "What options are there for refinancing?" "How much revenue can we generate with Pinpoll?" At this point, our soon to be customers are usually convinced of our solutions, but begin to consider the potential "return on investment" (ROI for short): What added value do Pinpoll products deliver after deducting the costs incurred?


The Top 5 in September 2020

The trend from August continued in September: Sports dominated the top polls. But also Corona and regional politics have made it into the top places again. Have fun reading and voting!


Pimp my Wordpress Page

This Tutorial shows you how to add interactive elements such as polls and quizzes to your WordPress posts. So why not increase the time visitors spend on your website with just a few simple steps?


The Top 5 in August 2020

In August, the Sports related topics gained momentum. We experienced a touch of the good old days, at least topic wise. The editors and readers were particularly concerned with the question of which club Lionel Messi will switch to. In addition to sport, questions about local politics in Vienna and Rosenheim were also an issue. Have fun reading and voting!


About the Security of Online Votings. An Attempt to Explain.

We hear the following questions almost every day: "Is it possible to cheat when voting on Pinpoll?" "How do you make sure that one can only vote once?" "One answer of my poll received multiple votes within a short period of time - how's that even possible?" The short answer to this: A secure, anonymous online voting is a perfect example of an Oxymoron - “secure” and “anonymous” are mutually exclusive by definition.


The Top 5 in July 2020

In July, we saw a colourful mix of topics. Corona, the dominant topic in the category Health in June, has been replaced by questions regarding the topics Food & Drink, Arts & Entertainment, Automotive, Law, Government & Politics and Sports. Have fun reading and voting!


The Top 5 in June 2020

Welcome to a new series in the Pinpoll Magazine: From now on and every month, we present the top 5 of the most successful polls in the Pinpoll universe. The polls are ranked based upon the number of votes in the month under review, weighted with the achieved interaction rate. The dominant topic in June was - of course - Corona.


Take Responsibility: One Tree per 100,000 Votes.

Three words that everyone is talking about, but only very few integrate into their corporate strategy and if, really execute upon: Corporate Social Responsibility Under the guise of a “start-up”, we have paid little attention so far to how we can make a contribution to society. In the first few years you simply fight to survive, everything else is irrelevant. Our company celebrated its 5th birthday in May, so there are no more excuses, we want to contribute.


Data: The Raw Material to Fuel Sales.

TL;DR This tutorial explains how a webshop operator can generate valuable data in a playful way using polls, define rules for new target groups using data management software and activate them in a newsletter system to increase revenue.


The Publishers' Dilemma. Traffic is Increasing, Advertising Revenue is Falling.

In the past few weeks, digital news publishers have experienced a true rollercoaster ride. On the one hand, pageviews increase massively. More and more people are getting information online about the situation in their country regarding Corona. On the other hand, there is a lack of bookings by agencies and advertisers who have frozen their advertising budgets. In some countries, the government supports media companies with ad bookings, but this only covers a fraction of the lost in revenue. The high website traffic thus stands against empty advertising inventory.