Marketing Interesting

Accessibility Without Compromise

In the digital world, online tools are the tools of websites. They help us to do many things on the Internet. For example, writing emails, shopping online, communicating with other people or, as in the case of Pinpoll, sharing personal opinions. To ensure that everyone can use these tools, they must be accessible. This is determined by the [...]


Artificial Intelligence Provides Inspiration

"I don't have time or available editorial resources for this!" 🤷 We hear this statement very often now. There is an article to be written and then a poll too?! That takes time, and after all, delivering fresh, exciting content is time-consuming enough as it is.  What topics are our readers interested in? How can we get more


About the Security of Online Votings. An Attempt to Explain.

We hear the following questions almost every day: "Is it possible to cheat when voting on Pinpoll?" "How do you make sure that one can only vote once?" "One answer of my poll received multiple votes within a short period of time - how's that even possible?" The short answer to this: A secure, anonymous online voting is a perfect example of an Oxymoron - “secure” and “anonymous” are mutually exclusive by definition.