Did you know that August is the birth month of many historically important people? In fact, greats like Mother Theresa, Napoleon Bonaparte, Michael Jackson or Barack Obama were born in this month. That's interesting, isn't it? Take a look at what topics are of interest to the users this month:
Author: Bettina Zierhut
The Top 5 in July 2023
Global warming is becoming more and more noticeable. Many countries and people suffer from the great damage caused by the heat. But not everything is bad, and that's why we enjoy a nice summer with cool drinks and vacation feeling. Our users were nevertheless diligent in voting. Read for yourself which topics were interesting: #1: Who will
The Top 5 in June 2023
The Top 5 in May 2023
May 1945: End of World War II At 11:01 p.m. On May 8, 1945, the unconditional surrender of the German Wehrmacht came into effect. The day before, Colonel General Alfred Jodl, authorized by the Nazi government, signed the surrender declaration in a schoolhouse in Rheims, France. On May 12, soldiers on the Eastern Front finally cease fighting. The World […]
The Top 5 in April 2023
April is the fourth month of the year and a month of spring in the northern hemisphere. The name "April" is derived from the Latin word "aprilis", which means "opening" or "blooming", thus emphasizing the closeness to nature of this month. April is marked by many special events, such as April 1, when April Fool's Day is celebrated in many ...
The Top 5 in March 2023
Im 3. Monat des Jahres ist einiges los. Neben dem Frühlingsbeginn und der Zeitumstellung wird am 8. März z.B. der Weltfrauentag zelebriert. In vielen Ländern wird der 17. März als St. Patrick’s Day gefeiert, der an den Schutzheiligen Irlands erinnert. Dieser ist auch der Monat mit dem Geburtstag vieler berühmter Persönlichkeiten, darunter Albert Einstein, Johann […]
The Top 5 in February 2023
February is known for various cultural and historical events. For example, on February 14th, Valentine's Day is celebrated, on which many people express their love and affection through gifts and romantic gestures. In some countries, Groundhog Day is celebrated on February 2nd, during which a groundhog predicts whether winter will continue or ...
The Top 5 in December 2022
An exciting and eventful year is coming to an end. Many different topics kept us busy and the opinions of our users were divided. But see for yourself what exactly kept us busy in December: #1: Did you receive a warning SMS message? Publisher: Wochenblatt.dehttps://www.wochenblatt.de/nachrichten/bayern/warntag-warten-auf-den-warnton-nicht-jeder-wuerde-die-katastrophe-bemerken-9881550 Category: NewsVotes: 16,655Interaction rate: 31% Highlights of the vote: Custom Design #2: Is Messi with the
How to Become a Quiz Master?
Bald 1.900 Quizzes haben unsere Kunden mittlerweile erstellt und live genommen. Nun wollten wir wissen: Was kennzeichnet ein erfolgreiches Quiz? Bevor es losgeht wollen wir aber ein erfolgreiches Quiz spielen: Und nun weiterlesen und Quiz-Master werden Zunächst haben wir überlegt, welche Faktoren sich einerseits auf die Vervollständigung, andererseits auf die Interaktionsrate auswirken: Was bedeuten Interaktionsrate […]