“May makes everything new!” The fifth month of the year is considered to be one of the spring months, even if astronomical spring begins in March. It is said that the name May comes from the roman goddess Maia. She is the patron saint of fertility, but is also considered the mother of the earth. Would you have known that?
Tag: Ranking
The Top 5 in April 2022
Finally we can enjoy the beautiful weather ☀️The mood is rising, the next vacation booked...it can stay that way. But what else are our readers busy about? Read yourself:
The Top 5 in March 2022
Spring has just begun and we enjoy the first sunrays ☀️. The great weather is ideal for enjoying sports or perhaps walking the dog. These were popular topics for our users the last month.
The Top 5 in February 2022
Moving on to February, which heralds the funniest time of the year. However, the topics are the opposite. Corona has become a constant companion of our everyday life. And then there is the dramatic situation in Ukraine. However, one topic deals with personal well-being, fasting. Are you in?
The Top 5 in January 2022
We are starting a new and no less exciting year 2022 😎 How should it be any different, of course Corona is again one of the main topics that occupies readers. This has also made big waves in sport, with Novak Đoković. The recurring question about mandatory celibacy in the Catholic Church was
The Top 5 in December 2021
We close an exciting year 2021 with a Christmasy topic at top position 🎄 From 27 submissions, the readers of rosenheim24.de were able to choose the most beautiful Christmas lights in the district as their winner. Of course, Corona was also a common topic again. However, we lacked the topic of Sports. Curious: Our customer heute.at had one of the most balanced polls we have ever seen: [...]
The Top 5 in November 2021
Soccer again secured top ranking this month ⚽ They are almost evergreens: soccer and corona, two topics that guarantee high traffic. Hence, it's not really surprising that most successful polls were created for those topics. We welcome two new customers in the ranking: Sky Sport and Klix - congrats on the successful start 🚀 Have fun reading and [...]
The Top 5 in October 2021
The topic of soccer was again high this month ⚽ In October, our users were occupied with a variety of topics. Whether the poll was about sports or politics and government, there is something for everyone. How do the 8 million team captains in Austria see the situation with our national team? Have fun reading and voting!
The Top 5 in September 2021
This month was marked, among other things, by the elections in Germany! In addition to the federal elections in Germany, our perennial favourite Corona was of course also frequently represented again. No wonder at this time of year, as the number of cases is rising slightly again. Nevertheless, topics from the area of sports and fitness were also taken up.
The Top 5 in August 2021
Soccer is being played in Asian and we were there! The #ACL 2021 are just in the half-time and Pinpoll was a part of it. In general, this month was a bit more varied than the previous month and not quite as dominated by Corona. In addition to sports & health, there were also interesting questions in the area of travel again.