
How to Become a Quiz Master?

Soon, our customers have created and published 1,900 quizzes. Reason enough to explore: What makes a successful quiz? But before we get started, let's play a quiz:

And Now Read on and Become a Quiz Master

First, we considered what factors impact both Completion, as well as Interaction Rate

  • Number of questions upon completion  
  • Quiz topic upon the interaction rate 
  • Adding a form upon completion 
  • Adding a cover slide upon the interaction rate 
  • Using the stopwatch upon the interaction rate 
  • Adding a design upon the interaction rate 
What Does Completion and Interaction Rate Mean? 
  • Interaction Rate defines, how many people, who see a quiz, also play the quiz.
  • Completion defines how many people play a quiz fully. 

Result of Our Analysis So Far

In our analysis, we found that a Quiz with an above-average score contains 4.8 questions.  

To achieve an above-average interaction rate, the quiz titles are decisive. Let's illustrate those quiz titles in a word cloud, i.e. the larger a word, the more frequently it was used in the title of a succesful quiz: 

Eine Sammlung von Schlagwörtern die in Quizzes verwendet werden
Schlagwörter die in Quizzes verwendet werden

Success Factors

The following factors also have an impact upon the success of a quiz:

  • The use of forms increases completion, as well as Interaction rate, as they often include an incentive (e.g. a contest). A quiz with a form will be played 1.7 times on average.
  • Quizzes can be styled in many ways, e.g., by adding a cover-slide. Cover slides contain astartbutton, which requires an explicit click by the user to start the quiz, generating some sort of commitment. The cover slide improves both the interaction rate and completion. 
  • A new gamification features was added to quizzes just recently: thestopwatch. With the stopwatch feature turned on, the interaction rate increases from 83% to 211% and completion jumps from 95% to 180%. 
  • Also, custom built designs impact interaction rate and completion of a quiz in a positive manner. 

First Steps

Regardless of this rather number-driven analysis, we recommend that customers always start with a simple quiz first and test how users accept it. If the test is positive, the quiz can be enhanced step by step with the above recommendations. Also, the creation of new quizzes should be integrated into the daily routine of an editor (e.g., create a new quiz every Wednesday at 9 am).

Keen on Learning More?  

Create your first quiz here: